A recent trip to Bordeaux, for the very first time, and as well as enjoying the superb wines and food, it was also gratifying to see, not only so many cyclists, but people cycling in normal clothes (be they work or leisure) and not decked out in hi-viz and helmets. It’s an illustration of how cycling should be. The photo above also illustrates, in a general sense, the attitude between the various road users in Bordeaux – the cyclist is making his way in a relaxed manner, and the bus driver knows he can’t overtake so, there’s no point getting too close, and isn’t seeking to intimidate or hoot his horn. Perhaps it’s a ‘national’ attitude the French have towards cycling, but it was refreshing to see cycling and motor vehicles interact in ‘supposed’ harmony!Continue Reading
ArchivesAuthor: Spot On
27FebA boat yard

Underfall Yard in Bristol. Another boat in for repair and where the ‘Jonathan Livingston’ boat (shown below) was rebuilt and reborn!Continue Reading

There’s something about boats. Maybe it’s because my Dad was in the Navy, or I enjoy the romanticism of the sea, but I just had to take a photo of this one seen in a recent visit to Bristol. The ‘Jonathan Livingston’ has only recently been re-outfitted by RB Boatbuilders, who have done a stunning job of it. I can’t find any other information about the boat sadly, but she is a thing of beauty.Continue Reading
15FebWolstonbury Hill

A walk last Sunday up to the top of Wolstonbury Hill for the very first time, which had a spectacular 360 degree view, and forms part of the South Downs. It’s easy to see the remains of a man-made trench that encircles what one assumes was an iron-age fort.Continue Reading
12JulMichelin Men

Really interesting exhibition seen recently in San Sebastian, Spain, held at the excellent San Telmo Museum. ‘Bibendum’ was the original name of the Michelin Man, and the logo is known worldwide. In the absence of any official signage, vehicle mechanics across Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Burkino Faso, Gambia and Benin have made their own, and been captured for us to enjoy, by photographer Juan Mari Indo.Continue Reading
23MaySouth Downs

The glory of the South Downs. Looking back towards Bo Peep Hill on Sunday 21st May. A 10-mile walk that started from Alfriston. It was one of those days that make you glad to be alive, and one you wished more hours in the day.Continue Reading
08MayCancale, France

A visit around Easter time, to northern France for a short break, and a day trip to Cancale in Brittany. The photo shows some of the Oyster beds, and hadn’t quite appreciated the extent of how large these farms are, nor how enthusiastic (of the French people I saw that day) were of eating them. Friends of ours persuaded my wife and I to try one, and it will be our last we both decided. We couldn’t understand why anyone would consider eating them! But each to their own I suppose.Continue Reading
13FebHappy Birthday to us

A Happy Birthday to us, celebrating 30 years in 2017 and, a present to new clients: we’re offering 30 design projects with up to 30 hours of each project at £30 per hour. If you’re considering any future projects, we’d be very happy to discuss them with you. Now, how can you resist?Continue Reading
25JanOld Bear

It was a real pleasure to visit the University of Brighton’s art gallery recently, meet up with illustrator & author, Jane Hissey, and see the original pencil drawings she made for her ‘Old Bear’ series. What an incredible amount of work, and such a nice lady.Continue Reading
05DecIkuta Niyoko

Bristol Art Museum and came across this glass sculpture by Ikuta Niyoko, entitled ‘Ku’ (free essence 32) made in 2013. Beautiful geometric free-flowing form. Notes to the piece say: “Each piece of glass is attached to the next using a special adhesive that hardens and becomes transparent with ultraviolet light. In the ‘Free Essence’ series the artist explores ideas relating to the Buddhist concept of emptiness. the viewer can look down the centre of the ‘wave’ which seems to be entirely empty, but is in fact solid glass.” It was quite beautiful to look at, and from different angles.Continue Reading